/ Interesting Stuff / 15 animated pictures will explain you how things works around you

15 animated pictures will explain you how things works around you

admin on November 12, 2014 - 12:25 am in Interesting Stuff

If one picture can explain what hundred words do, animated pictures are priceless, if you are studying mechanics or physics or the various sciences I think you’ll find it difficult to understand the nature of the information if you only read about it, tried to looking at Google for pictures of the machine or the theoretical, you’ll find it interesting to learn from the pictures, but the greatest pleasure that you will understand the nature of the work of these things if they have comics, even those simple things we use, which we usually do not understand how do they work. This is a collection of gif pictures, which may explain to you the nature of the work of some of these things. Just look more closely at each image one minute for two and you’ll understand exactly how it works. Here’s the pictures:

  1. How Zippers works


   2.   Mathematical concept of Pi symbol Pi-unrolled

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